Aska / Ash
- Tegund og ár: Heimildamynd/ Documentary 2013
- Lengd: 107 mín / 107 min
- Land: Ísland / Iceland
- Texti: English subtitles
- Leikstjóri: Herbert Sveinbjörnsson
- Framleiðendur: Heather Millard og Herbert Sveinbjörnsson
- Dagskrá: Nýjar myndir
- Sýnd: From October 11th all days at 18:00/ Frá 11. október daglega kl 18:00.
Efni: Þann 14. apríl 2010 opnaðist jörðin í annað sinn á innan við mánuði í Eyjafjallajökli. Gosið vakti heimsathygli, en þegar að flug fór aftur í fyrra horf hvarf áhugi heimsins en eftir sátu bændur sem lifa og starfa undir gosstöðvunum. Í myndinni fylgjumst við með þremur fjölskyldum sem búa undir eldfjallinu, þar sem fylgst er með eftirmálum gossins. Hér er hægt að kaupa miða á
English: On April 14th 2010 the earth opened up for the second time in less than a month at Eyjafjallajökull in Southern Iceland. The volcanic eruption melted the ice cap, flooded the nearby farms and spewed 70 tons of ash into the stratosphere per second and disrupted air traffic throughout Northern Europe. It forced many flight cancellations and stranded thousands of passengers. The disruption captured the world’s attention. When the airlines resumed their normal routes and headlines started to fade, the farmers under the volcano were fighting for their livestock and livelihood as they still are today. The film ‘ASH’ follows three farming families living under the volcano over the course of a year to see the effect of the ash on their lives and livelihood. It is a character-driven creative documentary about the aftermath under the volcano. Here you can buy tickets on
ASH Official teaser trailer from Edisons Lifandi Ljosmyndir on Vimeo.