Mood Indigo
- Tegund og ár: Drama/ Fantasía 2013
- Lengd: 90 mín
- Land: Frakkland/ Belgía
- Texti: Enskur
- Leikstjóri: Michel Gondry
- Handrit: Michel Gondry og Luc Bossi
- Aðalhlutverk: Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou, Gad Elmaleh
- Dagskrá: Nýjar myndir
- Sýnd frá: Frumsýnd þann 26. desember í Bíó Paradís!
Efni: Hér er um að ræða nýjasta mynd Michel Gondry, leikstjóra Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Mood Indigo er mögnuð ástarsaga sem stenst tímans tönn. Myndin er byggð á skáldsögu eftir Boris Vian, og lýsir heimi þar sem þú getur ferðast um á bleiku skýi. Stórkostleg mynd, að hætti Gondry- mynd sem engin sannur bíóunnandi má missa af! Hér er hægt að kaupa miða á
From the director of ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND comes a magical love story that stood the test of time. Adapted from Boris Vian’s cult international bestseller. Directed by by Michel Gondry, starring Audrey Tautou, Romain Duris, Gad Elmaleh and Omar Sy In a world where you can travel around on a pink cloud or literally be swept off an ice-skating rink into a hole, Colin, a wealthy young man and inventor of the cocktail-mixing piano, wants to fall in love. With the help of his cook Nicolas and best friend Chick, he meets Chloe, the incarnation of a Duke Ellington tune. But soon after their wedding, Chloe falls ill. She has a water lily growing in her chest. Ruined by medical expenses, Colin resorts to increasingly desperate methods to save his beloved’s life…