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Jan 31, 2014 Engin skoðun
  • Tegund og ár: Drama 2013
  • Lengd: 87 mín
  • Land: Ísland
  • Texti: Enskur
  • Leikstjóri: Marteinn Þórsson
  • Handrit: Marteinn Þórsson og Guðmundur Óskarsson
  • Aðalhlutverk: Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, María Birta Bjarnadóttir

Efni: Fjölskyldumaðurinn fyrrverandi, flagarinn óstýriláti og áfengisþyrsti þingmaðurinn Leifur Sigurðarson er skikkaður í meðferð af vini sínum og yfirmanni, forsætisráðherra Íslands – en áður en hann lætur flengja sig opinberlega heldur Leifur vinum sínum matarboð. // Leifur Sigurdarson, an unstoppable ladies man and alcoholic parliament member, is forced in rehab by his friend and boss, the Prime Minister of Iceland. But before he gets spanked in public, he invites his friends over for a gargantuan feast. During the party we get to know Leifur and the other characters in the movie as well as finding out about Leifur’s, and his posse’s, sordid past.

Ísland, Kvikmyndir
Engin skoðun á “XL”

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