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Monty Python- Live on stage!

Monty Python- Live on stage!

Jul 31, 2014 Engin skoðun

Eftir óralanga bið, munu goðsagnir grínsins í Monty Python stíga á stokk í lifandi uppfærslu á sviði árið 2014. Þessir frægu grínleikarar sem samtals eru 358 ára gömul, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones og Michael Palin, munu stíga á stokk í lifandi leikhúsi þar sem þau setja á svið frægustu atriðin með nútímalegum og Pythonískum hætti. Ekki missa af Monty Python í Bíó Paradís, en uppfærslan verður fyrst sýnd þann 6. ágúst 2014 á hinum stórkostlega Python degi og áfram til 31. ágúst 2014. Hér er hægt að kaupa miða á midi.is 


For the first time in more than three decades, comedy legends Monty Python will perform live on stage together this year. At a combined age of just 358, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin will once again perform some of their greatest hits, with modern, topical, Pythonesque twists. Here you can buy tickets online, screened from August 6th onwards.

Monty Python are rightfully regarded as among the world’s finest-ever comedians. They influenced a generation and revolutionised comedy. Their eagerly awaited reunion promises to be among the biggest live events of 2014. Now fans around the world will have the opportunity of joining in on one of the most anticipated live events of the year, a chance to say farewell to the Pythons on this last and special night. More than 450 cinemas across the UK will take the live broadcast. The live show will be directed by Aubrey Powell and produced by Fiz Oliver.

“Thanks to the wonderful invention of moving pictures, The Last Night of Monty Python is coming to a cinema near you. Get your knotted handkerchiefs out and warm your brains one last time at any one of 450 cinemas across the UK, and 1500 across the world. Join the crowd live from London’s O2 in a final weepy, hilarious, uproarious, outrageous, farewell to the five remaining Pythons as they head for The Old Jokes Home ….on the big screen, in HD, ” said the Pythons.

Monty Python first hit our screens with the Flying Circus, which saw 45 episodes broadcast over four BBC series between 1969 and 1974. The Pythons were an instant success and became the face of British comedy.  They went on to achieve overwhelming international acclaim with the huge success of films such as “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” in 1975, “Life of Brian” in 1979 and their final film, “The Meaning of Life” in 1983.

Fréttir/pistlar, Ísland, Kvikmyndir, Uncategorized
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