- Tegund: Upptaka af lifandi uppfærslu Frankenstein eftir Nick Dear byggt á skáldsögu Mary Shelley, 2011
- Lengd: 2 klukkustundir og 20 mín
- Land: Bretland
- Leikstjóri: Danny Boyle
- Aðalhlutverk: Benedict Cumberbatch, Jonny Lee Miller
- Dagskrá: Frumsýnd 16. október 2014.
Efni: Uppfærslan mun fara í sýningar í Bíó Paradís í október, en henni er leikstýrt af Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire), með Benedict Cumberbatch (12 Years A Slave, Star Trek: Into Darkness) og Jonny Lee Miller (Trainspotting, Mansfield Park) í aðalhlutverkum. Hún sló í gegn í National Theatre árið 2011 og nú er komið að því að gestir Bíó Paradís geta notið hennar. Verkið er byggt á sígildri hryllingsögu Mary Shelly sem flestir þekkja.
Í fyrri útgáfunni sem er sýnd 16, 18 og 19. október mun Benedict Cumberbatch fara með hlutverk Creature og Jonny Lee Miller með hlutverk Frankenstein. Í seinni útgáfunni sem er sýnd 25, 30. október og 2. nóvember munu þeir svo skipta um hlutverk og Cumberbatch mun taka að sér hlutverk Frankenstein og Miller mun leika Creature.
Ekki missa af einni umtöluðustu leiksýningu af uppfærslu Frankenstein!Hér er hægt að kaupa miða á netinu.
English: National Theatre Live’s thrilling broadcast of Frankenstein returns to cinemas for a limited time, due to unprecedented audience demand. Directed by Academy Award®-winner Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire, London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony), Frankenstein features Benedict Cumberbatch (12 Years A Slave, Star Trek: Into Darkness) and Jonny Lee Miller (Trainspotting, Mansfield Park) alternating roles as Victor Frankenstein and his creation. The production was a sell-out hit at the National Theatre in 2011, and the broadcast has since become an international sensation, experienced by almost half a million people in cinemas around the world. Childlike in his innocence but grotesque in form, Frankenstein’s bewildered Creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horror-struck maker. Meeting with cruelty wherever he goes, the friendless Creature, increasingly desperate and vengeful, determines to track down his creator and strike a terrifying deal. Urgent concerns of scientific responsibility, parental neglect, cognitive development and the nature of good and evil are embedded within this thrilling and deeply disturbing classic gothic tale.
There will be 2 versions of Frankenstein. One version has Benedict Cumberbatch as Creature and Jonny Lee Miller as Frankenstein (version 1 – October: 16, 18 and 19.) and other version is the reverse cast with Jonny Lee Miller as Creature and Benedict Cumberbatch as Frankenstein (version 2 – October: 25, 30 and November 2.) Here you can buy tickets online.