The Colors of Iceland
Í júlí 2012, eftir mjög langann undirbúning, fóru Matthias Vogt, flugmaður og Marco Nescher, náttúruljósmyndari í reisu frá Liechtenstein í lítilli fjögurra sæta Robinson R44 þyrlu. Eftir næstum 6 klst flug yfir kalt Norður-Atlantshafið, náðu þeir á áfangastað – og lentu á Íslandi.
Um er að ræða 75 mínótna margmiðlunarsýningu þar sem áhorfendur fá að fylgjast með ævintýralegu flugi þeirra og sjö vikna ferð um Ísland.
Almennt miðaverð er: 1400 krónur (Nemendur: 1.100 krónur) Hér er hægt að kaupa miða
In July 2012, after long and intensive preparation, pilot Matthias Vogt and nature photographer Marco Nescher departed Liechtenstein in their small 4-seat Robinson R44 helicopter. After nearly 6 hours flying over the cold North-Atlantic Sea, they reached their destination – Iceland. Entrance: ISK 1400 (Students: ISK 1100) Here you can buy tickets – but also at the venue on Bíó Paradís box office.
The 75-minute multimedia show depicts their adventurous flight and tells the story of a seven-week voyage of discovery around Iceland. It shows fascinating landscape photographs taken from a bird’s eye view – pure art created by nature through thousands of years. This unique viewpoint is now available to everyone on the big screen. Flyer_The-Colors-of-Iceland
The Colors of Iceland from Marco Nescher on Vimeo.
The Colors of Iceland – A Voyage of Discovery by Helicopter
Thursday, Nov. 28th, 20.00
Friday, Nov. 29th, 20.00
Saturday, Nov. 30th, 16.00 and 18.00
Sunday, Dec. 1st, 16.00 and 18.00
in Bíó Paradís (Cinema), Reykjavík
In July 2012, after long and intensive preparation, pilot Matthias Vogt and nature photographer Marco Nescher departed Liechtenstein in their small 4-seat Robinson R44 helicopter. After nearly 6 hours flying over the cold North-Atlantic Sea, they reached their destination – Iceland.
The 75-minute multimedia show depicts their adventurous flight and tells the story of a seven-week voyage of discovery around Iceland. It shows fascinating landscape photographs taken from a bird’s eye view – pure art created by nature through thousands of years. This unique viewpoint is now available to everyone on the big screen.
Marco and Matthias will be present at all screenings and are happy to share their unforgettable impressions of Iceland.
Location: Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgötu 54, 101 Reykjavik