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Verkið Lacuna í Bíó Paradís

Verkið Lacuna í Bíó Paradís

Apr 08, 2013 Engin skoðun

Verkið ´Lacuna´var heimsfrumsýnt í Bíó Paradís þann 6.apríl og munu tvær sýningar vera en það er utandagskrárliður undir Sequences VI listahátíðinni. Myndbandsverkið er gert í samstarfi listamannsins Þóru Sólveigu Bergsteinsdóttur við dansarann Ema Nik Thomas og er óklipptur 11 mínútna gjörningur inni í íslenskum helli. Sýning verður laugardaginn 13. apríl kl 16:40. Aðgangur er ókeypis.


Berfættur kvenmaður í rauðum kjól hreyfir sig hægt og fágað eftir ljósinu inni í myrkum skörpum hraunhellinum. Sterk þrá til að muna…að hlusta…að vera, vaknar. The work ´Lacuna´ was premiered in Bíó Paradís,  6.april. Free entrance. ´Lacuna´ is an 11 minute video of a female body slowly emerging from the darkness of a lava cave. Her soft feet are naked against the sharp lava rock. The woman, in a red dress moves slowly and sophisticated through the light.  A stirring desire to remember…to listen…to be, is kindled.

To rest a while in your darkness

We want to see more skin

We want to touch you lick you smell you bite you taste you

We want to feel the weight of your thoughts moving

To ride with them forever


We want to immerse ourselves in your emotions

To feel them swell and surround us


Now look at us laughing and crying

We are so close yet you slip away, escape us


Its such a pity that one side of your face is never visible

We want to see all of you at once

Ema Nik Thomas

Þóra Sólveig gerir m.a. verk sem fást við andlega og líkamlega nærveru og tengsl manns og náttúru. ´Ég hef alltaf verið í náinni snertingu við náttúruna og þetta samband er kjarninn í starfi mínu sem listamaður.  Verk mín samanstanda af gjörningum, myndböndum, ljósmyndum og innsetningum´.


Þóra byrjaði nýlega að vinna með dönsurum til að rannsaka nánar líkama og hreyfingu saman með hugmyndum sínum og reynslu.

Þetta verk er gert í samstarfi við dansarann Ema Nik Thomas (IR).

Ema Nik Thomas (Dublin 1976) er sjálfstætt starfandi listamaður sem á helstu rót sína í líkama á hreyfingu, búsett frá 2002 í ADM, Amsterdam.

Verk hennar endurspegla hrifningu fyrir mannslíkamanum og sálinni í tengslum við umhverfið og þá sérstaklega þar sem skarast á milli, nándar og afhjúpunar, og ímyndunarafls og landslags.


Thora Solveig Bergsteinsdottir (1975) has been exploring body, movement and nature through her work of art since graduating from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2004.

She makes installations and performances that involve physical embodyment of interior images. The underlying theme is movement and a state of being.

The work is an investigation of physical presence and relations to the natural environment. Ever since growing up in the north of Iceland, nature and her elements have been a strong influence on Thora.

´I have always been in close contact with nature and that relationship is the essence of my work as an artist. My work consists of performance, video, photographs and installation´. www.solla.org

Thora recently started to work with performers and dancers to further investigate body and movement together with her ideas and experience.

In this work Thora collaborated with the Amsterdam based performer Ema Nik Thomas (IR)

Ema Nik Thomas (Dublin 1976) is a freelance artist whose main root is moving body, based since 2002 in the ADM, Amsterdam.

Her work reflects a fascination for the human body and psyche in relation to the environment and she is specifically drawn to the overlaps between intimacy and exposure, imagination and landscape.


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