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European Film Festival Iceland (EFFI) – schedule

European Film Festival Iceland (EFFI) – schedule

Sep 19, 2013 Engin skoðun

European Film Festival Iceland (EFFI) is held September 19th – September 29th 2013. Here is the festival brouchure.pdf

European filmmakers continue to be the most excellent among their peers when it comes to great and interesting filmmaking. The festival held September 19th – September 29th 2013, is intended to give the widest range of the best films that the continent has to offer within filmmaking in the recent past. The festival is held by Evrópustofa – EU Info Center in Iceland in cooperation with Bíó Paradís.


Thursday September 19th
Opening night, – everyone is welcome – free entrance
19:30 Reception
20:00 Broken Circle Breakdown – free entrance
20:00 The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza) – free entrance
20:00 Child´s Pose – free entrance
22:00 Life music – Illgresi bluegrass band- light refreshments – free entrance.

Friday September 20th
18:00 Miele
20:00 The Gilded Cage 
22:00 Oh Boy 

Saturday September 21st
Reception, – all families invited free entrance at 17:30 before the screening of Mother, I love you.

18:00 Mother, I love you
20:00 Shut Up and Play the Hits
22:00 Dance Party with European DJ´s

Sunday September 22nd
18:00 Mother, I love you
20:00 Oh Boy
22:00 The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza)

Monday September 23rd
18:00 Oh Boy
20:00 The Gilded Cage 
22:00 Miele

Tuesday September 24th
17:20 The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza)
20:00 In Bloom
22:00 Broken Circle Breakdown 

Wednesday September 25th
17:50 Child´s Pose
20:00 Broken Circle Breakdown 
22:00 In Bloom

Thursday September 26th
17:50 Broken Circle Breakdown 
20:00 Miele
22:00 The Gilded Cage

Friday September 27th
18:00 In bloom
20:00 Europa Europa
22:00 Child´s Pose

Saturday September 28th
15:00 In Darkness

A free-of-charge audio described film screening

IN DARKNESS – Agnieszka Holland / Poland / 2011 / 145 min.
After the screening guests are invited to a reception and Q&A with the film’s director

18:00 Mother, I love you
20:00 Oh Boy

Sunday September 29th
16:00 Burning Bush Part 1, 2 and 3
After the screenings there will be a Directors talk – with Agnieszka Holland
Closing ceremony and an honorary reception- Agnieszka Holland

Ticket price is 700.- kr ISK per film except for the opening night, that is free of entrance and the family screening of Mother, I love you on Saturday September 21st, which is also free of charge.

EFFI, Fréttir/pistlar, Uncategorized
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