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Rúmenskar kvikmyndasýningar í Bíó Paradís

Rúmenskar kvikmyndasýningar í Bíó Paradís

Sep 26, 2013 Engin skoðun

Kvikmyndasýningar: Rúmenskir menningardagar í Reykjavík


6-12 október 2013

Á kvikmyndasýningum rúmenskra menningardaga mun kenna ýmissa grasa, m.a. verður boðið upp á hnyttnar gamanmyndir, strórbrotnar dramamyndir, alþjóðlega frumsýningu og sérstaka heimsókn hins þekkta leikstjóra Stere Gulea, en á dagskrá verða þær myndir sem mesta athygli hafa vakið frá Rúmeníu undanfarin misseri.

Rúmenskir menningardagar bjóða upp á hátíð uppgvötana, þar sem fjöldi áhugaverðra viðburða verða á dagskrá, þar sem virtir lista- og menningarfrömuðir eru kynntir fyrir áhorfendum.

Kvikmyndir í Bíó Paradís

Child’s Pose – Kvöl | Golden Bear 2013 | Leikstjóri: Călin Peter Netzer – enskur texti | 10 október kl 20.00, Bíó Paradís – Spurt og svarað fyrir sýninguna. 

Kvöl – Child´s Pose- er rúmensk kvikmynd eftir leikstjórann Călin Peter Netzer. Myndin segir sögu Corneliu, stjórnsamrar móður sem sér sér leik á borði til að ná stjórn á fullorðnum syni sínum eftir að hann er ákærður fyrir manndráp. Myndin var frumsýnd á Alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíðinni í Berlín þar sem hún hlaut hin virtu Golden Bear verðlaun árið 2013.


Of Snails and Men | Leikstjóri: Tudor Giurgiu | 90 mín |  11 Október kl 20.00, Bíó Paradís

Myndin er byggð á sannri sögu. Hún fjallar um verksmiðju í litlum bæ, þar sem nýjir eigendur fyrirhuga að nýta hana fyrir annan rekstur og því eru fjöldauppsagnir yfirvofandi. Til þess að bjarga verksmiðjunni, þá þurfa starfsmennirnir að tryggja 150.000 dollara til þess að kaupa hana sjálfir. Einn þeirra kemur með þá hugmynd að fara í heldur óvenjulega fjáröflun, þ.e. að safna fé með því að selja sæði til sæðisbanka.

Myndinni hefur verið líkt við Með fullri reisn (e. The Full Monty), en um er að ræða sprenghlægilega mynd sem engin ætti að láta fram hjá sér fara. Hér er hægt að kaupa miða á midi.is 


I’m an Old Communist Hag + Spurt og svarað með leikstjóranum Stere Gulea Q&A | 12 Október kl 18.00, Bíó Paradís. Hér er hægt kaupa miða á midi.is  

Alþjóðleg frumsýning á einni nýjustu kvikmynd Rúmeníu, á Gala sýningu Rúmenskra kvikmyndadaga. Leikstjórinn Stere Gulea verður viðstaddur sýninguna og mun hann svara spurningum úr sal að henni lokinni.

Myndin fjallar um Emiliu, sextíu ára gamla konu sem lifir friðsömu lífi með eiginmanni sínum Tucu, í litlum bæ í Rúmeníu. Parið verður yfir sig hrifið þegar dóttir þeirra hringir í þau frá Kanada, þar sem hún tilkynnir þeim það að hún muni heimsækja þau ásamt amerískum kærasta sínum. Emilia, sem er fræg fyrir að lifa eftir kommúnískri nostalgíu, er á sama tíma beðin um að taka þátt í heimildamynd sem fjallar um þjóðhátíðardaginn 23. ágúst, sem var þjóðhátíðardagur rúmena fyrir byltinguna 1989. Það sem átti að verða skemmtileg fjölskylduheimsókn dótturinnar snýst allt í einu um mjög rúmanskar aðstæður, þar sem kynslóðabilið kemur afar vel í ljós.

Myndin er byggða á bókinni I’m an Old Communist Hag / Sunt o baba comunista (2007) eftir Dan Lungu.


Dagskráin er á vegum Rúmensku Menningarmiðstöðvarinnar í London í samstarfi við Bíó Paradís. Nánari upplýsingar:  www.icr-london.co.uk


Film screenings: Romanian Cultural Days in Reykjavik 

6 – 12 October 2013

Witty comedies, edge-of-your-seat dramas, an international premiere and a special meeting with celebrated director Stere Gulea, in a showcase of the most exciting Romanian films of this year, part of the Romanian Cultural Days in Reykjavik.
Romanian Cultural Days in Reykjavik is a festival of discovery.  It presents a wonderful range of events, featuring acclaimed artists and intellectuals as well as the best of Romanian classical and contemporary music, film, spoken word, wine & cuisine. The guests include highly praised musicians Remus Azoitei and Eduard Stan, film director Stere Gulea, historian Adrian Cioroianu, poet Doina Ioanid, flamboyant saxophonist and DJ Lucian Nagy and his Triolectric band, and wine guru Dan Balaban of Davino winery. Join us for seven unforgettable evenings of thrills and spills!

Film: Showcase of the most exciting and award-winning Romanian films of this year

Child’s Pose | Golden Bear 2013 | Dir: Călin Peter Netzer | 10 Oct, 20.00, Bíó Paradís. Introduction before the screening.- English subtitles.

Child’s Pose (Romanian: Poziția copilului) is a Rumenian film by director Călin Peter Netzer, a 2013 Romanian drama, tells the story of Cornelia, a domineering mother who sees a chance to regain control over her adult son when he faces manslaughter charges. The film premiered in competition at the 2013 Berlinale, where it won the prestigious Golden Bear award.


Of Snails and Men | Dir: Tudor Giurgiu | 90 min |11 Oct, 20.00, Bíó Paradís Here you can buy tickets

Of Snails and Men is based on a true story. A car manufacturing plant is about to get bought out by a large father-and-son French company. Instead of cars, the factory will be converted in order to process and can escargot. There will be downsizing as a result of the conversion, so not everyone is guaranteed a spot on the canning floor. In order to save the plant, the factory workers need to come up with $150,000 to buy the factory for themselves. One of them comes up with a kooky idea to raise the funds: they plan to donate sperm to a fertility clinic.

The film has been compared to The Full Monty: both are crowd pleasers that raise questions of dignity and employment. Having a good job is a source of pride, and people will sometimes do undignified things in order to make ends meet.


I’m an Old Communist Hag + Director Stere Gulea Q&A | 12 Oct, 18.00, Bíó Paradís Here you can buy tickets

Gala Screening part of the Romanian Cultural Days in Reykjavik: I’m an Old Communist Hag (international premiere) + Director Stere Gulea Q&A Saturday 12 October, 18.00 International premiere of one of the most recent film produced in Romania, in a gala screening part of the Romanian Cultural Days in Reykjavik programme. Director Stere Gulea will be present for a Q&A session after the screening.

Directed by Stere Gulea and starring Luminita Gheorghiu (The Death of Mr Lazarescu), I’m an Old Communist Hag tells the story of Emilia, a 60-year old woman who lives peacefully with her husband Ţucu (Marian Ralea) in a small Romanian town. The couple is overwhelmed with joy when they receive a phone call from Canada: their daughter, Alice (Ana Ularu, Shooting Star at last year’s Berlinale) will visit them together with her American fiancé Alan (Collin Blair). Things could not be better for Emilia, who looks forward to basking in the young couple’s happiness. Moreover, Emilia, who is famous in the neighbourhood for her communist nostalgia, is asked to be part of a documentary about the extensive festivities organized on August 23, the national holiday before the ’89 Revolution. But the happy reunion quickly turns into a very complicated – and very Romanian – situation, proof that the generation gap doesn’t take borders into account.

Gulea adapts a literary work, the novel I’m an Old Communist Hag / Sunt o baba comunista (2007) by Dan Lungu, one of the most translated Romanian books of 2009. The book was a bestseller in Romania, praised for its ease in catching the “residual communism” of contemporary life.

Tickets info:

The programme is organised by the Romanian Cultural Institute in London in partnership with Bíó Paradís. More details at www.icr-london.co.uk



Full programme of the Romanian Cultural Days

Gala Concert, Wed 9 Oct, 19.30, HARPA, Kaldalón Hall
Acclaimed virtuosos Remus Azoitei (violin) and Eduard Stan (piano) open the Romanian Days in Reykjavik with a Gala Tribute to Enescu and Fauré. The musicians recorded the complete works for violin and piano by George Enescu, an authoritative world premiere project released by Hänssler Classic on 2 CDs in 2007/08.

Witty comedies, edge-of-your-seat dramas, an international premiere and a special meeting with celebrated director Stere Gulea, in a showcase of the most exciting Romanian films of this year.

When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism | Dir: Corneliu Porumboiu | 6 Oct, 15.00, Háskólabíó
Child’s Pose | Golden Bear 2013 | Dir: Călin Peter Netzer | 10 Oct, 20.00, Bíó Paradís
Of Snails and Men | Dir: Tudor Giurgiu | 11 Oct, 20.00, Bíó Paradís
I’m an Old Communist Hag + Director Stere Gulea Q&A | 12 Oct, 18.00, Bíó Paradís

Doc & Talk, Thu 10 Oct, 17.00, University of Iceland, Askja building (room N-132), Sturlugötu 7
Romania’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, historian Adrian Cioroianu and Prof. Ástráður Eysteinsson discuss crucial moments of Romania’s contemporary history. The talk is preceded by the screening of “A Century for Romania“, a vivid depiction of 100 years of challenges, setbacks and triumphs. Free.

Poetry, Fri 11 Oct, 17.00 at Eymundsson, Austurstraeti 18
Renowned poet Doina Ioanid joins broadcaster Jórunn Sigurðardóttir to examine the pleasures and pains of poetry as a late-blooming love. She will read from her critically acclaimed collections “The Marzipan Damsel” and “Drumbeats for Taming the Hedgehog Sow” amongst others. The event is part of the Reykjavik Reads Festival hosted by Reykjavik UNESCO City of Literature, dedicated this year to poetry in the city under the title “Poems on the Way“. Free.

Music & Party, Sat 12 Oct, 20.30, Hotel Borg
The volcanic Romanian band Lucian Nagy Triolectric make their Icelandic debut with a hearty electro-Balkan blend. Fuel your dance moves with a glass of Romanian plum brandy. Free.
Lucian Nagy – saxophone & flute
Stefan Olariu – trumpet
Claudiu Buna – percussion
DJ set & visuals – Lucian Nagy Triolectric

Food, Wine & Travel: Romanian Day at the Nordic House, Sun 13 Oct, 12.00 – 18.00
From Transylvania’s unspoilt landscapes to the Black Sea’s sunny beaches, Romania is an amazing place to discover. Sample the finest food & wine traditions and see fabulous footage of Wild Carpathia… all with a touch of fiery live music! Free.
12.00 – 15.00: Romanian lunch at Dill Restaurant
15.00 – 17.00: Food and wine tasting
Tasting of prestigious Davino wines, presented by wine guru Dan Balaban
Food sampling (cheeses, meats, traditional dishes)
Tourism opportunities and presentations by the Romanian Tourism Office in London
Live concert with Lucian Nagy Triolectric.
17.00: Special screening of the most beautiful cinematic travelogue about Romania, “Wild Carpathia”.

Fréttir/pistlar, Kvikmyndir, Rúmenía, Uncategorized
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