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Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival 3.-9. apríl 2014

Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival 3.-9. apríl 2014

Mar 12, 2014 Engin skoðun

Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival verður haldin í 12. sinn í Bíó Paradís daganna 3.-9. apríl næstkomandi.  Að venju er áherslan á innlendar og erlendar stutt- og heimildamyndir auk annarra viðburða á hátíðinni. Dagskráin verður kynnt von bráðar.

Lesendur Movie Maker Magazine völdu Reykjavík Shorts & Docs Festival meðal fimm svölustu stuttmyndahátíða heims nýverið. Kosningin fór af stað sl. sumar og niðurstöðurnar voru kynntar í nóvember. Fjórar aðrar stuttmyndahátíðir deila titlinum með  Reykjavík Shorts & Docs Festival en það eru DC Shorts Film Festival, Couch Fest Films, Miami Short Film Festival og The Smalls Film Festival.

Nánari upplýsingar um Reykjavík Shorts & Docs Festival í Bíó Paradís er að finna á heimasíðu hátíðarinnar http://www.shortsdocsfest.com

netfang: info@shortsdocsfest.com / vefsíða: http://www.shortsdocsfest.com / twitter: @ShortsDOCSFest

Facebook síða: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reykjavik-ShortsDocs/126818080706196


Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival will be held for the 12th time in Bíó Paradís in Reykjavík  April 3rd-9th.  As before our focus is on Icelandic and foreign shorts and documentaries but alongside screenings there will be other events during the festival.  The program for the 12th edition of Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival will be announced soon.

Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival was recently nominated as one of Top Five Coolest Short Film Festivals in the World by readers of Movie Maker Magazine. The voting started last summer and the results were announced last November. Four other short film festivals share the nomination with Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival and these are DC Shorts Film Festival, Couch Fest Films, Miami Short Film Festival og The Smalls Film Festival. The team behind Reykjavík Shorts&Docs Festival are very honored by the nomination we are looking forward to our next festival.

For further information please visit our website http://www.shortsdocsfest.com
email: info@shortsdocsfest.com / www: http://www.shortsdocsfest.com / twitter: @ShortsDOCSFest
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reykjavik-ShortsDocs/126818080706196

Fréttir/pistlar, Ísland, Reykjavík Shorts & Docs
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