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Apr 14, 2014 Engin skoðun
  • Tegund og ár: Drama, 2013
  • Lengd: 105 mín
  • Land: Þýskaland
  • Leikstjóri: David Wnendt
  • Aðalhlutverk: Carla Juri, Christoph Letkowski, Meret Becker
  • Dagskrá: Nýjar myndir

Efni: Táningurinn Helen er með líkamsvessa á heilanum og lýsir sjálfri sér sem píku heilsufræði tilraunastöð. Eftir rakstursslys á þessum heilagasta stað líkamans endar hún á sjúkrahúsi þar sem hún skautar um ganga og rifjar upp rannsóknir sínar á sviði sjálfsfróunar. Meðan á spítaladvölinni stendur heillar hún myndarlega karlhjúkku með klámfengnu tali sínu og leggur á ráðin við að koma foreldrum sínum saman á ný. Líkt og söguhetja bókarinnar sem myndin byggir á, fylgir Helen í votlendinu engum hefðbundnum reglum með glettni á lofti. Á sama tíma er þessi mynd einlægnin uppmáluð. Wetlands var tilnefnd til verðlauna á Sundance kvikmyndahátíðinni 2014. Hér er hægt að kaupa miða á midi.is

Bodily fluid–obsessed teenager Helen describes herself as a living pussy hygiene experiment. After an intimate shaving accident, she ends up stuck in the hospital, where she skateboards through the halls and reminisces about her culinary masturbation experiments, the seductive powers of her unwashed scent, and used-tampon swapping with her equally uninhibited best friend, Corinna. All the while, she charms a handsome male nurse with her nasty sex talk and schemes to reunite her mismatched parents. Like its protagonist, Wetlands expresses a profound distaste for following the rules and an exuberant playfulness, making this adaptation of Charlotte Roche’s novel a journey that is as joyful as it is raunchy. Carla Juri tempers her character’s bold sexual confidence with an underlying sweetness and sincerity, while director David Wnendt maintains a tone of acceptance and affection for Helen and her provocative antics. Wetlands asserts, as Helen does, that repulsive is nothing more than the new sexy. The film was nominated for the Grand Jury Price for World Cinema Dramatic at the Sundace film festivel this year. Here you can buy tickets online.


Kvikmyndir, Þýskaland
Engin skoðun á “Wetlands”

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