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Swan Lake – Bolshoi Ballet

Swan Lake – Bolshoi Ballet

Jun 20, 2014 Engin skoðun
  • Tegund og ár: Lifandi uppfærsla, 2015
  • Lengd: 160 mín
  • Land: Rússland
  • Listrænn stjórnandi: Yuri Grigorovich
  • Aðalhlutverk: The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet
  • Dagskrá: 21. og 22. mars 2015

Efni: Í konunglegum vistarverum sínum er fjölskylda og gestir hennar komin saman til að fagna afmæli Siegfrid prins. Í hinni konunglegu athöfn, er hann krýndur riddari. Hann þarf að finna sér kvonfang á dansleiknum en þar sem hann þreytist á skyldum sínum flýr hann út í nóttina þar sem hann hittir töfrandi flokk svana við vatn. 

Hin töfrandi Odette er hvítur svanur á daginn og mennsk að nóttu til, en hún býður þess að finna sanna ást til þess að brjótast út úr tvískiptu hlutverki sínu. Hér er á ferðinni einn sá rómantískasti ballett allra tíma undir hljóðheimi Tchaikovsky og í uppfærslu hins stórbrotna Bolshoi ballets. Ekki missa af þessu meistaraverki ástar, drama og blekkinga.


English: At the palace, the royal family and their guests are gathered for Prince Siegfried’s birthday celebrations. In a majestic ceremony, Siegfried is made a knight; young girls try to attract his attention, as he must choose a wife during the ball. Overcome by the sudden awareness of his future responsibilities, he escapes into the night and meets a strange flock of swans by a magical lake.

White swan by day, human by night, the beautiful Odette awaits an oath of true love to break the curse. The great legend of the enigmatic swan/woman is one of the most romantic classical ballets, appropriately set in the era of courtly romance and characterised by elegance, style and harmony.

With Tchaikovsky’s famous, lyrical score, Swan Lake depicts the tragic love between Princess Odette and Prince Siegfried, and will no doubt be performed to perfection by the unparalleled virtuosity of Russia’s great Bolshoi Ballet. This universal and enchanting masterpiece of love, deception and drama is a must.

Kvikmyndir, Væntanlegt í Bíó Paradís
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